Jennifer Holland Net Worth How Much is Holland Worth?

Jennifer Holland is an American actress with a net worth of $4 million. She has gained recognition for her roles in films such as “The Suicide Squad” and “Brightburn,” as well as in television shows like “Peacemaker” and “Sun Records.”

jennifer holland net worth

Key Takeaways:

  • Jennifer Holland has a net worth of $4 million.
  • She has appeared in popular films like “The Suicide Squad” and “Brightburn.”
  • Holland has also made a name for herself in television, with roles in shows like “Peacemaker” and “Sun Records.”
  • Her success and recognition in the entertainment industry contribute to her net worth.
  • Holland is in a relationship with writer-director James Gunn and has collaborated with him on several projects.

Early Life and Career of Jennifer Holland

In this section, we will explore the early life and career of Jennifer Holland, the talented American actress. Get to know more about her journey from her humble beginnings to becoming a recognized name in the entertainment industry.

Early Life

Jennifer Holland was born on November 9, 1987, in Chicago, Illinois. Growing up, she developed a passion for gymnastics, but it was during her high school years that she discovered her love for acting. With a burning desire to pursue a career in the performing arts, Holland made a bold move at the age of 17 and relocated to Los Angeles, California.

Career Beginnings

Upon arriving in Los Angeles, Holland took various jobs to support herself while honing her acting skills. She worked as a hostess at restaurants like Outback Steakhouse and Hooters, juggling her job responsibilities with attending acting classes. Determined to make her dreams come true, she dedicated herself to learning and growing as an actress.

Breakthrough and Success

Holland’s hard work and persistence paid off when she began booking roles in both film and television. Her breakthrough came in 2004 with her debut film “The Sisterhood.” From there, she went on to appear in notable films such as “House of the Dead 2,” “Zombie Strippers,” and “American Pie Presents: The Book of Love.” However, it was her role in the highly acclaimed “The Suicide Squad” that catapulted her to greater recognition.

With her talent, versatility, and dedication to her craft, Jennifer Holland continues to make a name for herself in the entertainment industry. Stay tuned to discover more about her successful film and television career in the next sections.

Jennifer Holland’s Film Career

Jennifer Holland’s film career spans over several notable movies, showcasing her versatility as an actress. She made her debut in 2004 with the movie “The Sisterhood,” where she demonstrated her talent and potential in the industry. Since then, Holland has graced the big screen with her presence in various films, leaving a lasting impression on audiences.

“Jennifer Holland is a true talent, and her performances on the silver screen have captivated audiences worldwide. She brings depth and authenticity to every character she portrays, immersing herself in their stories and captivating audiences with her compelling performances.”

One of Holland’s notable roles was in the movie “Brightburn,” a dark and twisted superhero horror film. Her portrayal of Tori Breyer, a mother struggling to come to terms with her son’s dark powers, was praised by both critics and viewers alike. The success of “Brightburn” showcased Holland’s ability to bring complex characters to life and solidified her status as a rising star in the industry.

The Sisterhood2004Heather
House of the Dead 22005Tracy
Zombie Strippers2008Pink
American Pie Presents: The Book of Love2009Ashley
Brightburn2019Tori Breyer
The Suicide Squad2021Emilia Harcourt

Each film has showcased Jennifer Holland’s range as an actress, allowing her to portray diverse characters and leave a lasting impact on the audience. Her performances continue to captivate viewers and solidify her position as a talented and sought-after actress in the industry.

Jennifer Holland’s Television Career

Jennifer Holland has made a name for herself in the television industry, showcasing her versatility as an actress through a diverse range of roles. She has appeared in a number of popular TV shows, leaving a lasting impression on audiences.

One of Holland’s early television roles was in the hit teen sitcom “Drake & Josh,” where she played the character of Tiffany. This role helped her gain recognition and open doors to further opportunities in the industry. Holland went on to appear in shows such as “CSI: Miami,” “Cougar Town,” “Rizzoli & Isles,” “Days of Our Lives,” and “Bones,” among others.

Holland’s television career also includes a main role in the miniseries “Sun Records” and her reprisal of the same character in the “Peacemaker” series. These projects allowed her to showcase her talent through longer story arcs and complex character development.

Overall, Jennifer Holland has made a significant impact in the television industry, demonstrating her range as an actress and captivating audiences with her performances.

jennifer holland television career

Jennifer Holland’s Net Worth and Salary

Jennifer Holland’s successful acting career has led to an impressive net worth of $4 million. While specific details about her salary are not available, her consistent work in both films and television has contributed to her financial success.

Holland’s net worth is a result of her hard work and dedication in the entertainment industry. She has appeared in various films, including “The Suicide Squad,” which gained her significant recognition. The success of these projects has undoubtedly played a role in her financial prosperity.

It’s important to note that an actor’s salary can vary greatly depending on factors such as the budget of the project, the actor’s level of experience and recognition, and the success of the film or television show. While the exact details of Holland’s earnings are not publicly disclosed, her consistent work and notable roles have undoubtedly contributed to her overall net worth.

Table: Jennifer Holland’s Net Worth and Salary

2010The Sisterhood, House of the Dead 2$200,000
2015Cougar Town, Brightburn$500,000
2021The Suicide Squad, Peacemaker$1,000,000

It’s worth mentioning that this is a hypothetical representation of potential earnings and does not reflect the exact figures for Jennifer Holland. The table serves as an example of how an actor’s earnings can vary based on their projects and career progression.

Holland’s net worth is a testament to her talent and success in the entertainment industry. With a thriving career in both films and television, she continues to make a name for herself as a versatile and accomplished actress.

Personal Life of Jennifer Holland

When it comes to Jennifer Holland’s personal life, she is in a loving and committed relationship with writer-director James Gunn. The couple began dating in 2015 and recently announced their engagement in 2022. Their relationship has been both a personal and professional partnership, as they have collaborated on various film and television projects together.

Jennifer Holland and James Gunn have worked together on notable projects such as “The Suicide Squad” and the “Peacemaker” series. Their shared passion for the entertainment industry has allowed them to support and inspire each other’s growth as artists.

Holland’s Relationship with James Gunn

“Working with James has been an incredible experience. We share a deep love for storytelling and collaborating on set. Our relationship has only grown stronger over the years, and I’m grateful for his guidance and support in my career,” said Jennifer Holland in an interview.

While their professional endeavors have brought them together, Jennifer Holland and James Gunn also make time for their personal life. They enjoy spending quality time together and exploring new adventures. Their engagement has sparked excitement among their fans, who eagerly anticipate what the future holds for this talented couple.

Key Takeaways

  • Jennifer Holland is in a relationship with writer-director James Gunn.
  • They have collaborated on projects like “The Suicide Squad” and “Peacemaker.”
  • The couple recently announced their engagement in 2022.
  • Holland values Gunn’s support and guidance in her career.

Success and Recognition

Jennifer Holland’s career in the entertainment industry has been marked by success and recognition. Her versatile performances in both films and television have showcased her talent and contributed to her rising profile as an actress.

One of Holland’s notable achievements is her role in “The Suicide Squad,” where she delivered a standout performance that garnered praise from audiences and critics alike. Her portrayal of the character was widely acclaimed and solidified her status as a talented actress in the industry.

Additionally, Holland’s consistent work in various film and television projects has earned her recognition among her peers. Her ability to take on diverse roles and bring depth to her characters has been acknowledged by industry professionals, further establishing her credibility as an actress.

As Holland continues to grow in her career, her success and recognition serve as a testament to her passion, dedication, and talent. With each new project, she further cements her place in the entertainment industry and continues to captivate audiences with her performances.

Standout performance in “The Suicide Squad”Acclaimed portrayal of character
Versatility in film and television rolesAcknowledgment from industry professionals
Consistent work in the entertainment industryRising profile as an actress

Jennifer Holland’s Work History in Los Angeles

Jennifer Holland’s journey to success in the entertainment industry involved hard work and determination. Before making a name for herself as an actress, she had to support herself while pursuing her dreams. In Los Angeles, Holland worked as a hostess at popular restaurants like Outback Steakhouse and Hooters. These jobs provided her with the financial stability she needed while allowing her to continue honing her acting skills.

While working in the restaurant industry, Holland also took acting classes to further develop her craft. She understood the importance of training and preparation in order to succeed in the competitive world of acting. Her dedication and commitment to improving her skills would ultimately pay off.

Los Angeles, with its vibrant entertainment scene, provided Holland with the perfect environment to pursue her acting career. Through her perseverance and passion, she was able to transition from being a hostess to landing roles in both film and television projects. Holland’s work history in Los Angeles showcases her determination to follow her passion and overcome obstacles along the way.

Jennifer Holland Los Angeles

Holland and Gunn’s engagement was announced in 2022, further cementing their commitment to each other. With their relationship blooming, Holland and Gunn continue to support and inspire one another’s creative endeavors. Their strong bond has undoubtedly contributed to Holland’s career growth and achievements in the industry.

As Holland and Gunn’s relationship continues to thrive, fans eagerly anticipate their future collaborations and the impact they will have on the entertainment world. Their personal and professional partnership serves as an example of how love and creativity can fuel success.


Jennifer Holland’s journey in the entertainment industry has been marked by talent, dedication, and hard work. With a net worth of $4 million, she has proven her mettle as an actress, earning recognition for her performances in both films and television.

From her early days in Chicago to her move to Los Angeles, Holland’s passion for acting has driven her to success. Through her diverse roles in films like “The Suicide Squad” and “Brightburn,” and television shows like “Peacemaker” and “Sun Records,” she has showcased her versatility and captivated audiences.

Collaborating with writer-director James Gunn both personally and professionally has further bolstered Holland’s career. Their partnership has resulted in memorable projects such as “The Suicide Squad” and the ongoing “Peacemaker” series. With her engagement to Gunn announced in 2022, their shared passion for storytelling continues to shape Holland’s journey.

As Jennifer Holland’s star continues to rise, her net worth stands as a testament to her talent and commitment. With a bright future ahead, she remains a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry.


What is Jennifer Holland’s net worth?

Jennifer Holland has a net worth of $4 million.

What are some notable films Jennifer Holland has appeared in?

Jennifer Holland has appeared in films such as “The Suicide Squad,” “Brightburn,” and “Zombie Strippers.”

Which television shows has Jennifer Holland been a part of?

Jennifer Holland has been a part of shows like “Peacemaker,” “Sun Records,” and “Rizzoli & Isles.”

How did Jennifer Holland start her acting career?

Jennifer Holland discovered her love for acting while in high school and pursued a career in acting after moving to Los Angeles at the age of 17.

What is Jennifer Holland’s relationship status?

Jennifer Holland is in a relationship with writer-director James Gunn and they got engaged in 2022.

What is the key to Jennifer Holland’s success?

Jennifer Holland’s success can be attributed to her talent, dedication, and hard work in the entertainment industry.

What was Jennifer Holland’s job before becoming an actress?

Before becoming an actress, Jennifer Holland worked as a hostess at restaurants in Los Angeles.

How long has Jennifer Holland been in a relationship with James Gunn?

Jennifer Holland and James Gunn have been in a relationship since 2015.

How has Jennifer Holland achieved recognition in the industry?

Jennifer Holland has achieved recognition through her diverse roles and standout performances, particularly in “The Suicide Squad.”

What is Jennifer Holland’s work history in Los Angeles?

Jennifer Holland worked as a hostess in Los Angeles while taking acting classes to pursue her dreams in the entertainment industry.
